Cookie policy

Through this cookie policy, we want to draw your attention to the fact that we collect and use your personal data, more in specific when you visit our website, and that we place cookies on your device in order to collect them afterwards.

When we use the term ‘we’ in this cookie policy, we mean the law firm intui:


intui CV
Tiensevest 104
Ondernemingsnummer: 0526.898.555
RPR Leuven
Tel.: +32 16 20 00 25

The law firm intui is responsible for collecting and using (“processing”) your personal data as set out in this cookie policy. For the sake of completeness, we also mention that every partner, associate and employee of intui is also legally responsible for the processing of your personal data.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard disk when you visit our website. In this way, our website can remember your preferences each time you return to it. When you visit our website, it will ask your permission to place the different types of cookies we use.


Which types of cookies do we use and why are we using them?

When you visit our website, the following cookies will be placed:

Cookie and type

Description and purpose

Expiration time


This cookie is generated by the WPML WordPress plugin and is used to store the last used URL in the front-end.

1 day


This cookie enables the WPML WordPress plugin to store the current language.

1 day


This cookie is used by Google Analytics to distinguish between users and sessions. It is created when the JavaScript library executes and no utma_cookies exist. This cookie is updated each time data are sent to Google Analytics.

2 years


This cookie used by Google Analytics expires automatically when the user closes his/her browser. It is not used by ga.js and is only set to ensure interoperability with urchin.js, which is a former version of Google Analytics. This cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie is used to identify new sessions/visits.

Until the end of the browser session


This cookie used by Google Analytics stores the traffic source that explains how the user reached the website.

5 months


This cookie used by Google Analytics allows to manage the request rate.

10 minutes


This cookie used by Google Analytics allows to identify new sessions/visits. It is created when the JavaScript library executes and no utma_cookies exist. This cookie is updated each time data are sent to Google Analytics.

30 minutes

You can give your consent by clicking on the corresponding button in the cookie banner that is shown on our website or blog page before the cookie is placed. You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the cookies that are stored in your browser. To find out how to proceed, please refer to the website of the browser manufacturer in question.

Who do we share your personal data with?

In principle, we only share your personal data with our partners, associates and employees, as well as with our service providers assisting us in processing your personal data. Every person having access to your personal data will be bound by strict legal or contractual obligations to keep your personal data in a secure and confidential manner.

We will not transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area, consisting of the Member States of the European Union, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.

How long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data will only be processed the first time they are collected. Right afterward, we use the anonymization feature of Google Analytics to ensure that all the information that has been collected by the cookies, will be anonymized.

But please take into account that the _gat, _ga and _gid cookies remain on your device during their entire, abovementioned life span, unless you remove them manually. The cookies will be collected again each time you visit our website or blog page.

How do we keep your personal data secure?

It goes without saying that the data that we process within our law firm are treated in a strictly confidential manner. We have taken all the necessary precautions to ensure that all the personal data we process are kept secure. Within that context, we have taken all the technical, organizational and contractual measures to make sure that our infrastructure, systems, applications, buildings and processes are and will remain secure.

What are your rights with regard to your personal data?

When we collect and use your personal data, you have the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure and the right to data portability, as well as the right to restrict and object the processing of your personal data. Please note that we immediately anonymize the personal data that we process through cookies. After that, we will no longer process any personal data, which implies that no more rights can be granted.

If you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data by intui, please contact our in house responsible, Mrs. Ellen Penninckx, Office manager, by calling 016/20.00.25 or by sending an e-mail to

You can also file a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority ( Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel. 02/274.48.00 of

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data collected by cookies, please feel free to contact our in house responsible, Mrs. Ellen Penninckx, Office manager (please see contact details above).